I asked for a 2-3 inch trim and I got 6 inches off. When I complained to Christina (my hairdresser), she said it was what I wanted and 'You're a new woman now!'. On top of that, the ""trim"" is SLANTED AND UNEVEN. When I told the manager and owner they said there was nothing they could do to 'make me happy', & that 'one bad haircut won't ruin our rep.' I was crying the whole time and they didn't offer compensation or apology for their mistake, they even chuckled when I asked them what they would do in my situation and what they would be willing to do to fix the situation. I apologized for my anger and tears at the salon the next day, after Michael called me at 8:30 in the morning telling me that I was dishonest about the review I posted on their site. When the owner, Michael Varnadore, was finally offering me an appointment [by the way they say their policy is to redo a haircut within 48 hours] to fix the terrible work that Christina did to my hair (after I emailed him the picture for proof). I said thank you and didn't mention his rude and condescending behavior from his previous phone call, and we set it up an appointment. After he confirmed a time he said there was one condition that I had to be comfortable with before going in, which is to not say anything about what happened last time. Not only does it have to come up in order to explained to the hairdresser what happened, I told him that I was owed an apology. Then he interrupted aggressively and loudly stated that if at the time of the appointment I spoke about what happened the last time I was there, then they ""WOULD USE PHSYCIAL FORCE"" to get me out. I was stunned and scared about going in. I'm 130 lbs, not muscular and 5 ft 3 in, so I'm not a scary person. I told him that sounded like a threat, and I felt threatened. Then he tried to rephrase it to sound less like a threat. So I said, that sounds less like a threat, thank you. During that sentence he interrupted me saying he was done with me and hung up. He canceled the appointment. These people pride themselves on being professionals, but he seems to care absolutely nothing about his customers (including listening to them) or quality of hair style that come out of his salon-I'm willing to show you a picture of what they did. The head of Stuart Laurence wouldn't apologize for the mistake they made or for the rude and painful comments made to me, he also didn't apologize for threatening me. Choose for yourselves whether or not to support the people and a place who would do this to a customer.