A few of us met on Monday about the new management. I promised to add my review. Yes, this park has yet another new manager. There are a few troubling experiences and more than one long time owner angry. This new manager, all smiles and high fives, driving around, doing absolutely nothing except wasting company gas, chit chatting up the women and keeps coming onto at least one, my wife. He picked the wrong person, if he ever bothers her again he's going down. I hope the owners read this. What is this jayhole doing running around the Park after office hours, coming on to people's property, in their carports for no reason, no emergency except his sleazy snooping and peeping. This is a serious violation of CA mobile residency law. He picked the wrong woman to come onto, she's already talked to the Sacramento DA's office about this new ""manager"" - his own wife already has been warned by others he has managed to offend in his short tenure here.