I was in Stephen’s psychic development class at Holistic Studies Institute. I am now a professional psychic medium, thanks to Stephen’s training classes. This man has trained a lot of other professional psychics. One thing that sold me on his abilities and his classes is that he teaches ethics. In order to be certified by the institute I had to sign my application for certification, which stated that I agreed with the professional ethics of the school whenever I present myself as a medium. I am proud of my certification and the practice, which I have set up due to his guidance. He is not only a great mentor, but he is a fine psychic as well. Who else could teach others to be psychic, other than the best? I shall always be very grateful for what I learned from him. I use those teachings, his guidance every day that I work as a medium. Moreover, Stephen has given me numerous readings, all of which have been very accurate. In fact, his accurate readings really sold me on the classes. For my whole life I have been interested in the psychic world and thought I had some abilities. Thanks to Stephen I have developed these abilities, I get great personal readings from him and I now have a very satisfying career. I’m sending him and all of my fellow students at Holistic Studies Institute, love and light in their work as psychic-medium. God bless you all.