Google Joe Smith (owner) Stellar Flooring, before you let him STEAL your money. The Attorney General has a file a 1/2"" thick on him in for 2008, his first full year of business. The Orlando Sentinel has wriiten 3 articles about his scam. Employees are left with worthless checks, customers having accounts opened up by GE Money Bank without their knowledge, a multitude of customers who have not received there orders. He will give you every song and dance there is, but in reality , he has a small flooring business, using the Internet to make his company appear larger, all a front to steal money..which is his primary occupation. Joe Smith is a pathological lair , sociopath, with a criminal record. . Do not be dubed by his low prices. He make a 100% on what he sells, becasue you never receive your flooring. It is very easy to offer a tremedously low price when you have no intention of every furnishing the floor.
Cons: Joe Smith his a con in more ways than one