I would not recommend all of the doctors in this office. The waiting times are horrible, you almost always have to sit in the waiting room PAST your appointment time, THEN they take you back and make you sit in a room and wait some more. I have seen almost every doctor in this office, with the exception of a few. I recommend: Dr. Carnicky: such a gentle, genuinely caring Doc. He helped me with a nasty ear infection, had such a sympathetic ear, VERY helpful. EXCELLENT manner about him. I also recommend Dr. Paul Steingard, no complaints there. I DON'T recommend Dr. Milissa Cooper. She has NO people skills, never friendly. I am not saying this to be vindictive, I am being truthful, she was NEVER nice to me. Never felt like I had thorough care. I also do not recommend Dr. Scott Steingard, he has actually told some patients that he does not know how to treat them. I am writing this out of personal, truthful experience. I am not doing this to be spiteful, I am just trying to save others from going through a rough time trying to find a doctor. Also, about getting a reply when calling the office and wanting something like a referral or some other question, good luck at getting a prompt answer. That is something that is lacking also.