My baby loves to finger paint so when I turn my back for one minute he got has hands and feet on the paint and decide he would start walking that day, it was a happy day for us. I did not o=want him to stop without me taking video. But the results of it wouldn’t be good. Because he was tracking paint everywhere he stepped. Anything he touched. So by the time I had enough footage, I stopped him and gave him a bath. When I came out and see the mess he created I almost had a heart attack. He managed to turn my room into a rainbow. I freaked!!! I started calling companies and found a company that was able to squeeze me in that same day. The tech came and his eyes widened when he saw what he had to work with. Luckily he said “no problem, we can take care of this, I only have one question is this water based paint?” and thankfully it was!!! He started cleaning it and when he was done and after four hours of drying the carpet and my upholstery looked great.