I had such a fun experience shopping your store yesterday when I purchased my first laptop! Mr. Michael Galofaro, the Sales Manager, assisted me with every single step of my selecting, and purchase, including accessories, and detailed instructions, multiple times I might add, for how I was to connect my laptop to enternet, and get protection, registered, etc. \r
He was very patient with me. What he did not know about me is that I have had a brain tumor that caused a mild stroke, and both of these things resulted in making it really difficult sometimes for me to understand the information I am receiving in the first place. Then trying to keep it in any kind of correct order in my brain, and remembering it at all, is also both very difficult. But Michael, even though he had no clue of my condition, he explained what he perceived as very simple steps, multiple times, patiently, and I was given the confidential opportunity, without humiliation, that I needed to try and retain this informati