I am taking this humble occasion to express my overwhelming gratitude to Toyota Family who supported me all along my recent transfer to the USA from Europe. I was transferred with my family to Tampa, Florida from Italy, to establish a new company in order to start a new business away from the European financial crisis. In this respect as an old faithful Toyota affecionado client having reached my 20th Toyota car in 33 years, I have requested your most valuable assistance to go over the usual dilemma of credit history in this new world being the USA. In this respect I wish to put on records my humble gratitude to the Toyota family in Europe and USA, whereby every single executive indeed contributed to surpass the classical non personal credit ratings and through Stadium Toyota dealership in Tampa, Florida. I did manage to get my application to lease a Four Runner approved. This particular achievement was reached thanks to the most wonderful personal touch of Ms. Joan Applebaum who indeed believed in my dedication to Toyota from day 1, along with a bright young salesmam Shawn from Stadium Toyota in Tampa. Joan with her 30 years experience with Toyota family is deemed in all honesty to be a TMC executive as Toyota is running in her veins. She puts the interest of the client before the dealership. I was positively surprised when through a phone call in front of me from their financial credit desk, wondering why she was lobbying my cause? Indeed myself after 35 years with Toyota, I always believe in persons like Joan to make Toyota a cut above the rest and second to none. On this occasion I would like to also bring to your kind attention the most important role BIG HELP of Mr Rolando Ventura - CEO Toyata Finance Italy, who convinced TMC-USA that I am a reputable customer. This voice was heard loud and clear by Mr Gary Rainey-TMC USA who did his utmost based on my long faithfull background wit Toyota to lobby Toyota Finance Florida which apparently is not part of Toyota Finance. God Bless Toyota Family with your most