Good: The radiology department was very friendly and concerned.. Bad: The HIPA rules. My friend, who took me to the hospital could not get in to see me even though no one asked me. He obviously did not know my middle initial or my wifes maiden name...he brought me here in my truck, and then could not see me again. He had to leave after 45 minutes, leaving me stranded without my phone or truck. Why could someone not come ask me if I wanted to see him...of course I did.. Improvements: Being kind to pts. please. A transporter who pushed me onto the xray table with her knee in my "broken hip" and then stated later when I said that I didn't want her to touch me again, because she had hurt me, laughed and said,"I know you cried like a little baby.. Other: Although the break was not seen on the xrays that were taken at your hospital, I was sent home without any pain medicine, discharge instructions addressing the road rash on my knee and shin (altho those were causing me no pain at the hip was indeed fractured) I truly do not know why I bothered coming to your hospital, besides cleaning up some scratches you really did nothing for me, left me stranded without my friend, pushed against my broken hip, and left me with an $1800 bill.....