I brought my dog in b/c she was lethargic and not acting right to see if I could get a diagnosis and some kind of answer. She was seen by three doctors in a 24-hour time frame and no one could figure out what was wrong with her! I was going out of town the next day and took her home to my usual vet and she was diagnosed w/having an ear infection, treated, and make a full recovery. $400.00 later b/w two vet appointments, my dog is all better. Thanks a lot to St. Francis for putting me out all that money and not doing a thorough enough ear exam to diagnose my poor pup!\r
To make matters worse, I called back to see if they would credit my account for the obvious mistake they made in missing her ear infection, and they argued w/me a/b it and said they ""did not see it"" during the exam. He said that she must have had ""some other problem"" while there...right....Here's the real kicker-one of the docs gave me an ear wash to clean her ears with.\r
My hometown vet said that there should have been no excuse for the 3 doctors at St. Francis missing this infection and she said that the ear wash they gave me was much too strong for my dog (glad I asked her). Forget the lost money, my poor dog had to suffer too long b/c of these peole. \r
I may have considered returning to this place had they been more understanding and owned up to their mistake. I simply cannot trust my dog to vets that are incompetent and rude.\r