Let me just start by saying this a beautiful setting. Our wedding looked amazing there... I only wish that our guest felt amazing about it. The staff that were there to help were awful. They were very rude to the guests and even me, the bride. It is clear that they are running a art museum there, which is fine, except if you are that worried about anyone even getting 6 feet from the art you probably shouldn't be having weddings, or any other event for that matter there. At one point the museum director, Vern Swanson, pulled me out of a room by my arm. He said that we weren't supposed to be in the room (it was adjacent to the area that the ceremony was to be in and we didn't want the guest to see us yet as the were still arriving). He could've just asked me to leave. Then they tried to move all our ceremony chairs 5 mins before we were to start. Their reason? They said the set up was against fire code and if the police showed up they would be in big trouble. The funny thing about it was that the chairs were set up by them!
After the ceremony we had a dinner for the guest that were already there. Vern and the staff decided to help themselves to our food. Honestly I wouldn't have had a problem if minutes before he wouldn't have asked one of our GUESTS to remove all of the bridal party and grooms party's items from the bathroom that we were assigned to use. All of our belongs were thrown out of the building onto the front lawn. Some valuable items were lost or stolen. So some guest rushed to remove everyone's stuff and missed the entire dinner. Not like it would have mattered if they were there because we ran low on food thanks to the staff that helped themselves to plate after plate. Even after my dad asked Vern to stop eating he went in the kitchen to top off his plate, and then came out and sat with my bridesmaids.
I wish that I could've enjoyed our beautiful setting more but I was so worried that all the guest were being mistreated. Some guest were told they would have a lawsuit on their hands for taking pictures near a statue, another was told they couldn't afford a painting that hung in the museum, and my maid of honor got yelled at for trying to adjust the volume of the wedding music (which she wouldn't have had to do had they been paying attention to their jobs). Many people have told me story after story of the way the were treated by Vern and the rest of the staff that night... not one of them was a pleasant story.
To make it worse I just got our deposit check back with money deducted with no cause. We plan to fight this. The office supervisor, Dawn Jensen, gave us permission to do a few things that she didn't convey to the rest of the staff. She is also very slow to respond to calls and questions.
So like I said before the place is beautiful and the value is good... but not worth the trouble and ruining your special day. I would defiantly think long and hard about having your wedding or reception there.