On May 25, 2011, I decided to take a trip down from Lake George, Co. to Specialty Sports on recommendation of a friend that they had quite a few AK-47's on hand. While looking at the different guns, A bearded man (who, when asked, said his name was Bud) asked me if he could help me find anything. I told Bud that he could, and told him that I was wanting to look at some AK-47's, and that I was trying to educate myself on them before I bought anything. Bud was more than happy to show me a few, and was very knowledgeable on the AK47.
Bud showed me one, and then showed me the Hungarian AMD 65, AK-47 variant. He said that it was an excellent rifle (Hungarian receiver, TGI build from Knox, Tenn, Tapco USA trigger, etc.). Well, I loved the rifle, and even though it was pricey ($799 + tax), I ""bit the bullet"", and bought it.
Now that it's been a few days since my ""big purchase"", I have researched much about these rifles, corresponded with a few owners of these exact rifles, and also looked it up on Wikipedia. Everything leads me to believe that I paid way too much for this rifle. Most people who have bought the AMD 65 paid between $450 - $600 for the same rifle, same receiver (FEG), same company (TGI - NOT a Century or other build), same trigger, etc.... Hey, it's a nice looking rifle, and I love it. Have yet to shoot it, but I love it. I just think I got taken for about $200 too much.
From now on, I will never buy another firearm without thoroughly educating myself on the MSRP. Other than that, Bud was a very helpful, polite, knowledgeable person. He even showed me a book with the AMD 65 in it. Great guy! I would also like to point out that - while waiting for the background check to clear, I saw some nice handguns, and was trying to take a picture of one with my cell phone. Some other guy asked me not to take pictures of the guns. I thought that to be a little weird.
The only reason they even got a one star rating was because of Customer Service rep, Bud. Had it been the other dude, I would've probably walked out of the place without buying anything.