This place sucks. Forget Christy, that entire management team isn't even around anymore. In fact, neither is the first team. Now it's a bunch of weirdos who again can't run the place.
Originally, Southernside did not charge tenants for water or sewer which was great for say, i don't know, maybe single students trying to survive? Well against our will and approval, remote meters have been installed in all units and I got a $%%@@ water bill today from months ago. MERRY CHRISTMAS! I HAVE to move out now and break my lease because I literally can not afford another stupid bill. All of this was done without my consent or knowledge, thanks Southerncrap.
The gate is the stupidest idea ever conceived. It takes your last 4 SSN as a pin code, but the geniuses in the main office gave the same code to most of the people here instead and it stopped working and has been stuck open for almost a month. People drive through it like 40 miles per hour in this crowded complex. And not a single car is rustless or has all 4 hub caps, and most have some form of grocery bag window replacement, just to demonstrate the ability for anyone, ANYONE to get in this place. Hey, everyone, CHANGE YOUR BRAKE PADS ON YOUR CAR. So sick of the squealing death-on-wheels every single day.
I have many coworkers with mortgages less than the rent here. And since no utilities are included, you are literally cheaper off buying a house than living in this drafty dump. Save up for a down payment and don't bother with this place.
Do yourself a favor, and save yourself some time- Don't waste your life with this stupid place. Can't WAIT to leave...