There's a ton of discount tobacco places around, but this one, known fondly by smokers in SE as the "Tobacco Shack" is very tiny and very avante guard. It reminds me very much of tiny little store fronts in someplace like urban Chicago rather than mid-county Portland.
The store carries the standards for about the same prices as Dotty's or other discount smoke shops...the difference is that the whole store is so's only about 6' x 6' in a literal shack lodged between two buildings. The guy behind the counter has a memory of what all his regulars want and the hours are hit-and-miss by when they get around to being there.
The laisse-faire attitude seems, oddly enough, to work well for them and in a phenomenom I've never heard of from smokers before, there are those who will WAIT for a smoke until someone shows up here to open shop....strange to me...isn't one Marlboro as good as the next?