I had my wisdom teeth removed by Dr. Smithey when I was just out of college. His staff is knowledgeable and accommodating. I scheduled my appointment a couple weeks ahead, so I could be seen on a Friday and have the weekend to recover and minimize time off from work.
I requested to be put under so I wouldn't know what was going on while he removed 3 impacted teeth and 1 that wasn't. I woke up an hour later, teeth gone, feeling relaxed and ready for a nap at home.
At the time, I think they asked that 50% be paid at the time of service. Can't remember if they deal with your insurance or if you apply for reimbursement, because I was on my parents' plan and not my own yet.
Dr. Smithey called me that evening to make sure I was feeling OK and remembered my post-op care instructions. It was the personal touch that makes me recommend him to anyone for wisdom teeth removal.