On Feb ,23, 2014 My wife and I purchased a couch , love seat, chair and ottoman from Slumberland Furniture in Jacksonville illinois they told us it would be two weeks before the furniture would be delivered but our chair wouldn't be delivered for another \r
two weeks . When the couch and loveseat were delivered the delivery men told us the chair would be delivered on Feb 22 about a week later my wife called to.inquire what time the chair would be delivered on the 22nd Dan Darnell told my wife that it would be delivered that day but he couldn't give her a time yet . Tomorrow is the 22nd so we called again because we hadn't received a call confirming a time to be delivered and we were told someone forgot to put the chair on the truck and wouldn't be delivered for another two weeks when my wife told them that was unacceptable Dan rudely told my wife that he was gonna just cancel her order no trying to make it right , calling corporate trying to help make it not take a month and a half just to get a chair from their warehouse in Wisconsin . We paid for our furniture in full the day we ordered it one would think they would follow up on a customer's order and keep their customer informed of what is happening with their order instead of being rude and threatening to cancel your order because you say it's unacceptable . I would think twice before ordering furniture from Slumberland in Jacksonville unless they guarantee they can deliver when they say they will .