This school is willing to charge you 10k a year to attend. unfortunately, that 10k does not pay for soap, lights in the bathrooms, hot water in the bathrooms, working toilets, real chairs, roach exterminations, ceilings that don't leak, proper computer equipment, or mold removal. The school does not adhere to the grading standards set by the California State Reporters Board, the people who give the licensing test. They will tell you that they are accredited with the National Court Reporters Association, but they had their accreditation revoked. There is rampant favoritism, as well as lewd sexual comments made by male faculty towards females. They can maintain the school because they are one of only two schools in Southern California. They are also the only school that has non-transferable credits, and does not grant you a B.A, unlike other court reporting schools. They do not offer realtime, a valuable skill to any court reporter working today, and have no way of fixing a broken machi