If you are considering the DH program at Shoreline Community College, I would get myself ready for a very stressful experience. The instructors have made many students cry and most are very unsupportive. You are required to find your own patients and if the patient does not show up your grade goes down. Each quarter you have certain requirements to get done and all the students have to find the patients with the same requirements. This puts students in a very competitive position, and many will not share their patients even if they don't need them just to make sure they have them for next quarter. The last few weeks of each quarter are a frantic attempt at finishing your requirements.
Another thing about the instructors, they are very happy to point out any mistakes you make infront of the patient you are working on, and this erodes any confidence the patient might have in you.
Also, the receptionist will periodically leave early, and you have to finish up early, even if this means you will have to ask the patient to come back for a final check from the instructor. Many patients are not happy about that. The instuctors also play favorites, and if you get on the wrong side of an instuctor, you will have a very difficult time.
If you do decide to attend this school, just be very careful, it is a very stressful environment, and can bring out the worst in people.