I started seeing Gabriel in January out of desperation after I suffered a head injury – the universe literally sent me a sign from above that I had to slow down by dropping something on my head. A good friend found Gabriel’s website and we both agreed that, if he could successfully get hockey players back on the ice after their concussions, he could probably help get me back in my desk chair. Sure enough, all of my symptoms (headaches, dizziness, neck tightness, ear issues) have improved with regular treatments, but the best part is that things I didn’t even plan to “fix” are better too. My anxiety, which could power a small country, is loads better; as a result, much to the delight of my colleagues and loved ones, I’m less stressed out overall. My stomach issues are gone. And the painful periods which I suffered from for years, taking 8-10 painkillers a day for the duration, are now painless, and I haven’t taken a single painkiller in months. I don’t know how it works - which kills me a little since I like to think I know everything - but it works. And it’s painless. The most painful part is having to turn off my BlackBerry.\r
Gabriel himself is warm with a great sense of humor. He seems to really care about how I’m feeling and, unlike some doctors I’ve seen, he is truly concerned about my well-being. Perhaps the greatest endorsement I could give is that I feel his treatments help me so much that I make it a point to carve out time every week to go – no matter how insane my schedule gets. It’s important to my health and sanity. I refer everyone I know to him – I just tell annoying people not to use my name. And I recommend him to you without hesitation.