My husband likes to pretend that he is a handy guy who can fix things; but every time he tries to help around the house, it ends up costing more money to have a professional come out to fix his mistake and the original problem. We had wood rot on several places around the house, and our gutters needed cleaned and re-painted. After seeing his life flash before his eyes more than once, my husband asked me to call around and get different prices for the work. Sharper Impressions Painting wasn?t the cheapest or most expensive. The original price was pretty middle of the road, but with the additional 25% off they give from their flier it wasn?t that bad at all. My husband didn?t know why I wouldn?t just go with the cheapest bid, until I explained that we get a free color consultation, both material and labor warranties and a much more experienced company. He finally agreed with me and let me move forward with Sharper Impressions Painting. After that the work was completed quickly and efficiently. It was nice to go through an entire process like painting your home and never get a head ache from trying to deal with the painting company or painters. If we called with questions, they either answered or returned our call right away and were always available to help if we needed.
Pros: Helpful, affordable, detailed
Cons: We had a little more wood rot than we thought