I'm over 50, worried about my health and needed to do SOMETHING. I joined the January 2012 body challenge and figured that if I don't love it or can't do it, it's only a two month commitment. I stuck to it and I lost 17 lbs and 18 inches (and almost 2 dress sizes) in two months! So i joined - and I go 5 times a week.
I started with body sculpt class with 5 lb weights and now do 10, 12 and 15 lb weights. I started with one kickboxing class and now do 2 or 3 kickboxing classes each week. I can't always keep up with the instructors but the instructors and the members are all so supportive and encouraging - it fosters a healthy attitude which leads me to go almost every day.
Each day there is a different instructor, so no matter if you take 5 body sculpting classes, you will get a well-rounded workout. You have to want to work - like anything in life - you get out what you put in.