OK, look at it this way, Sessions handles quality items, not cut-rate junk from the discount shops. So don't expect cheap. The have lots of very good (high) quality things that any professional would be happy to work with. I have worked both as a professional and love to cook at home and have purchased untold numbers of items for both. I have (always) found the staff to be very helpful and professional. I generally find that whatever I need, they have it or can get it. Their knives are of good quality and are nicely priced. They have the best price on sheet cake pans around and their pots and pans are within a decent price range. It's in a warehouse setting, so don't expect your excessive compulsive clean freak to think its spic and span. I have always found the place to be appropriate for the setting and type of business. It could look a bit cramped, but again, its a warehouse. \r
I have read the negative reviews on Sessions. Frankly, I think those people showed up lookin