Score is a tutoring business located in my home town. I remember hearing one of their commercials on the radio, "Kids lose half their knowledge over thier summer, goign to our place of tutoring your kids can continue learning" I agree with the fact that kids forget alot of their math and writing skills over the 3 month break, but score will NOT help your kids. Being a tutor myself, I know that kids need one on one attention, rather than being forced to sit on a computer and forced to do some math. Kids, especially during the summer cannot be forced to just sit and learn on their own following the instructions of a computer. In order to teach kids, you have to get them interested in the subject, something I find that many schools fail to do these days. Through one on one tutoring, rather than the methods of teaching used at score, kids have the special attention they need in order to have them not just do well in school, but to EXCEL in all areas. So if you want your kids to go to a good college, don't go to score, you might as well just hire a student tutor and there are many out there.