Lori Sax should not be a therapist. She is not personable or friendly and definitely not someone with whom you will feel safe. Maybe she is good at testing which is a more distant, rigid enterprise; she has the attributes for this sort of endeavor. She took 1/4 of the time of the session for completing paperwork; she was busily taking care of her own business while I was filling out forms that could have been given to me ahead of time and filled out before coming to the session. Then she made a point of telling me that SHE would be the one to decide whether I would come to more sessions. Really, I can't imagine why anyone would EVER want to see her beyond the first session! She kept saying that she felt for me, but the body language and tone of her was anything but understanding and empathetic. Stay away unless you want to hate therapy from now on! I also am giving information on her style of treatment only and not slighting her as a person in a defamitory, slanderous or libelous manner.
Pros: fairly easy parking
Cons: rude, distant, non-empathetic, I could go on...