I am very dissapointed in the Savin Center. In Septembe 09, I picked up a very bad nail infection, which by feb 2010, I had already had consultation and treatments by three different doctors without success. I was referred to the Savin Center, and told they were the best in the area (Talk about telling a lie). Anyway I went to them, having my first consultation with Dr. Savin himself. Dr. Savin took one glance at my fingernails, and assumed it was psoriasis and not a nail fungus. Dr. Savin then told me that I would have to do a few test which would cost me over $1000.00 and maybe I would have to do sergury or he could put me on a double dosage of treatment with Fluconazol and Lamisil which I accepted. When the consultation was over and I walked out the examination room, Dr. Gregory Rau approached me and asked to take a look at my nails. He assured me that it wasn't psoriasis but a nail fungus. I started to build confidence in his assessments and adopted him as my new doctor (Big mistake). Dr. Gregory Rau treated me for 6 months, doing follow up visits every 4 to 5 weeks. On the second to last visit with him, he advised me that it would take up to a year for full recovery of my nails and he would treat me for a full year. I when back to Dr. Rau 4 weeks after and he simply told me the nails are not curable and he is going to take me off treatment completely for 6 to 7 months. I couldnt understand why he would because my nails started show signs of recovery and improvement. I was simply left standing on my own as I felt he abandoned me as a patient without regret. I do suggest if you have issues which requires a dermatologist, DO NOT GO TO THE SAVIN CENTER. They care more about their pockets than their patients. I will never go back to the Savin Center. They charge you a ton of money for little or no delivery or care, Both doctors, Dr. Rau and Dr. Savin, they don't even take phone calls from their patients. I rated the Savin center one star and they are lucky I rated them at all. Very poor, incompitent and lowsy doctors.