Nelson sailing center is a complete rip-off. My family and I tried to go sailing one day and about an hour into the three hour trip (nearly the entire hour was devoted to being checked out on the sailboat and watching a video before we were able to sail on our own), a huge storm rolled in with heavy, heavy rain and lightning so we were forced to come back to the dock. Upon returning we soon realized that the entire parking lot was flooding because of the high tide that was rolling in. We tried to find out from the staff whether or not we would be able to receive a credit for the excursion because it was interrupted by a storm and after going back and forth they finally relented and agreed to give a partial credit for the trip. The owner, by the way, was there listening but refused to offer any help in resolving the matter. He also seemed uninterested in the fact that his parking lot was flooding (a daily occurrence, apparently, that is never mentioned to customers parking in the lot) and we were going to be stuck there if we didn't leave asap. That must be why the owner chooses to drive an obnoxiously oversized and raised pickup truck. So, after as much discussion as we could afford, we left with a partial credit for the trip which we were actually satisfied with. Except, wait! The credit expired at the end of the year AND they closed for the season 2 DAYS LATER!!!!! None of which was mentioned at the time! In the end we drove 2 hours to get there, couldn't actually GO sailing (after the hour long checkout & painfully redundant video that they force you to watch) because of a massive storm, nearly flooded my car trying to leave, and paid a lot of money for nothing!!!! They knew where we had driven from and they could've guessed that we wouldn't be able to come back in 2 days before they closed for the season so maybe they could have not given us such a hard time. Do not go here, they aren't worth the money and, if you have any problems, they are more than unwilling to help you.