It's one thing when someone 'knocks' your car, it's annoying when it 'knocks' itself. My 'Chay-vee vahn' was making rap sounds, though not as bad as the noise from the 'brothas'.
The original struts had decided to hint at 'retiring', -like the average 'Cub'-, when they started "rappin'" when moving from a stop.
SDR -'Steven's Diagnostic/Doctor Repair', made the 'GM sponsored safari', into the tortuous engine compartment to extract the 'bad tooth boys', and replace them with 'fine ridin' struts.
If i find out the 'Chay-vee' was built in Janesville, it might be appropriate to say of the old ones; 'JANEsville, you ignorant misguided struts!'
Alright, so that was a bit of a stretch, but then, so is a lot of work from good mechanics over a 'Chay-vee' vahn.