Went to see this chiropractor for an initial visit for an annoying persistent back problem, mostly functional, muscular with no rest pain. I provided the chiropractor with MRIs of the entire cervical spine and listed in the history report my severe neck pathology which included cervical spinal stenosis, severe degenerative arthritis of the cervical spine, and cervical disc disease. In addition the history included benign meningioma of the brain and a mass in the lumbar region of spine. I had been followed by a neurologist for the above and since the pathology was asymptomatic the plan was to leave them alone. The neurologist emphatically advised under no circumstances should i have manipulation of the spine, especially the neck as it has risk of severe injury ,and i should advise the chiropractor of such which I did both in writing and verbally. The chiropractor insisted i have manipulation. Before i knew it and behind my back and suddenly he grabbed my head with both arms, \r
forcefully compressing, extending and rotating it into the neck with one swift motion. It was done without warning and no informed consent. I immediately developed New neck pain which worsened in 3 days and then developed a New severe Headache which was a constant severe daily headache. I had no history of neck pain and headaches prior to seeing the chiropractor.I was shortly seen by a rheumatologist and diagnosed with occipital neuralgia headache and treated with occipital nerve blocks and nerve pain medication with only modest relief and terrible side effects. I had facet joint injections of the cervical spine C2-C3 by a spine specialist with no relief. I saw several headache specialists , two of which from Graham Headache Clinic in Boston, with diagnosis of chronic post traumatic headache from trauma from this chiropractic with a possible slow cerebrospinal leak from a rupture of a Tarlov spinal cyst by the chiropractor causing the headache. A follow up MRi did show a NEW Tarlov cyst, not previously seen on prior MRI, but could not slow a leak. I was seen by 2 pain clinics, one at Mass General Hospital Boston, which offered 2 invasive spinal procedures which could make my headaches worse, cause paralysis , or death any other serious complications- all written on the consent form. Trial of experimental botox by one headache specialist did not help and medication only offers modest relief.I continue with the local injections into the occipital nerves and the neck for now. I continue to suffer these NEW constant chronic daily headaches and neck pain which worsen as the day progresses. \r
I am now 1 year out from the traumatic event from this chiropractor and stil suffering from these New relentless headaches and have been advised by the headache specialists I may have them forever.\r
This chiropractor is currently under investigation by the Mass Chiropractric Board and also is being subrogated by my Medical Insurance Company to have his insurance carrier pay for all my medical bills which are related to the neck trauma from this chiropractor. I have filled out the necessary forms and spoke to the appropriate investigators/representatives.\r
I have also consulted legal counsel who will likely proceed with a Civil Claim against this provider at the appropriate time, the Statute of limitations in Massachusetts is 3 years\r