I approached the wise man and said "" I want to write a book on how to be a successful pain management doctor, So the wise man told me to start writing and then bring my writing back for his review which I did. I showed him my thick book . He looked at it and said, no this won't do, go back and edit it and make it smaller , which I did. I returned to the wise man and said ""ok now what do you think?"" He looked at it and said ""no this is still too long, go back and cut it down, it should be much shorter"". I did what he requested and a returned. He looked at it . It was just a couple of chapters long, but again he returned it to me and asked me to reduce it to it's bare minimum. So, I took the book back , worked on it and returned it to him one last time. The book had just one page. The wise man opened the book and it read. He said in aloud voice..."" All wise Pain Mangement Doctors know that There is no such thing as a pain free life, don't abuse drugs""