I have had many experiences with this pharmacy, both good and bad. The good experiences include very friendly employees, fast service, low prices, and an overall friendly environment. One added service they include is a soda shop, many tables, chairs and bar stools, and many of the long time residents meet in there to drink coffee and discuss daily events. The friendly, hometown environment is wonderful!\r
The bad... I have had them mess up on a few prescriptions, giving me the wrong medication, losing prescriptions that have been called in and brought in on paper prescriptions... I have even been given someone else's medication.\r
Recently, they filled one of my prescriptions, for sixty pills. The label on the bottle stated that there were sixty pills, yet there were only thirty in the bottle. The upside is that when I noticed the problem and called them, they immediately fixed it for me.
PROS: Wonderful, hometown environment
CONS: Not as reliable as I would like for a pharm