The location is great, the upkeep is terrible. If you can get past all the potholes, you will find your site amongst the trash that lines the campground in ways of a suburban on blocks, demo car, old tractors, lawn mowers, and a barn that has been 10 years+ in the making. Did I mention it only has 1 shower for the entire campground?\r
Now that I have told you about the location, let me go into the owner. She needs meds-CRAZY-very unprofessional. Allows her family to threaten other campers, while she looks away. Does not want to hear complaints about her family even if they are rude or threatening others with a gun! WTF! We loved the people who camped there (quite a few left with us), but not the drama that surrounded the owner. Good ridance! Save yourself some drama and money. Go somewhere else.