I went to this Rite Aid location on August 9th to get he sales items. Now this is three days into the sale. I walked into the door and the store looked clean. I went around the store looking for five items. I found one out of five items in stock. I took the item and went to the counter. The little girl behind the counter was shy and timmid and I could bearly hear her. It seems she was afraid of her own shaddow. I asked for raind checks on three items. She tried to put them into the register to print out the raincheck but it would now work. She then called another girl to the counter and she said she had to get some numbers and she then disapeared. Meanwhile I have one item to pay for and instead of ringing me up she took the lady behind me and rung up her sale. I could not believe this. I finally asked can I pay for my item now instead of waiting for the rainchecks. She did then ring me up. The other lady came back and went to another register. She printed out the rainc