To the guy that made the comment below about SCUM. I spent time at RCCC and it is a terrible place. The inmates call it the Rio Cosumnes Concentration Camp, and it is just that. The people are locked up in there for various reasons including DUI. I am sure you have made mistakes in your life, and I am pretty sure you would not want anyone to call you scum. It is rude of you to call people you do not know anything about scum. Yes some people deserve to be there but we also should remember that the justice system all over this country is broken, there is no longer such a thing as ""rehabilitation"". It's all a monopoly they need people to continue to mess up so they can continue to make money, the judges, D.A., Lawyers, Police, the Bob Barker Company that makes the clothes, bedding, and shoes, the Aramark company that handles the commissary, even the company that ship in the food ""Chow"". The police play Y.M.C.A over the intercoms laughing to taunt the gays in PC. A man was left in the pod bleeding out of his nose while he waited 30 minutes for the ""24 hour Emergency Medical"" service to come, he had a brain aneurysm. I could go on and on I took notes on the inhuman conditions at the jail. No one no matter what they did deserve to be treated like that, if one day one of your children goes to jail I hope someone is intelligent enough to NOT call him/her scum.