Rice Toyota Gone Stab Him In The Back Salesman said, "Gone stab him in the back." Greensboro North Carolina *Consumer Comment ..So?
Rice Toyota
2630 Battleground
Greensboro North Carolina 27408
Phone Number:
I visited Rice Toyota in Greensboro, NC to purchase a new auto. The salesman was very nice. I looked at a used car and he said, "A secret between you and me. I ain't gone sell that one to nobody but a Mexican or maybe a colored. It is a piece of junk.. Ha ha ha."
Then, I go inside the store and hear a group of salesmen in an office talking about a pending deal. Salesman #1 said, "Sh**, he ain't trading nothing but a junk pile. What the f--- he think we are...stupid asses? I hate sh** like this." Salesman #2 "Well, you got make him a Jesus promise and then stab him in the back?" Saleman #1 "I gone stab him in the back like a soldier stabbing one of them Iraq motherfuc----!" All the salesmen in the office just laughed and laughed.
So I call and leave numerous messsages in the office for the manager and owner but never get a call back. Another man who was nearby heard it and said he was never coming back to this dealership.
Bassett, Virginia
Pros: Treat People Like Dogs
Cons: Treat People Like Dogs