The owner has been convicted of: INDECENT LIBERTY W/CHILD, POSSESS SCHEDULE II- 2 counts, DWI LEVEL 2, DRUG PARA - USE/POSSESS- 2 counts. This guy is a three time FELON
other charges that led to non-convictions are: DWI 4 counts, Hit and Run, Assault ISI, DRUG PARA - USE/POSSESS 3 count, POSSESS SCHEDULE II 5 counts, carry concealed weapon 4 counts, resist officer, Maintain any place controlled substance 2 counts, Sell Schedule II, Reckless driving, POSSESS SCHEDULE VI, Assault with deadly weapon(AWDW), Assault by pointing gun, Assault on Female, Sex offense 2nd degree, Communicating threats 2 counts, Larceny. Believe me people I live near this person, you do not want to hire this man, the people that work with him are criminals themselves, hire these people at your on risk.
2189 Laura St
Morganton, NC 28655-7438
(828) 430-9521
Department of Corrections #0341569
Pros: none, to dangerous to have around children
Cons: You will have to keep a close eye on your children