Stay away from this company ! They lie, cheat and steal. I contracted them to sell my parents household goods for a 30/70 split. During the two days of the sale, they sold over $400 worth of goods. Not only have I never seen a dime from this sale but they had me send them a check for $300 for ""gas and incidentals"". When I called to inquire about my money, the owner told me that my parents house was filled with junk and that he didn't make a lot of money on it! I contacted the utica better business bureau who contacted them. The owner called me and thought I was someone else. Clearly, I'm not the only one filing a complaint against them. The owner told me he would send my money in a few weeks. I have YET to receive a check. Odd thing is, I see a number of my parents "" junk"" on eBay being sold by them. This company is unethical, immoral and preys on families in distress. STAY AWAY FROM THEM !