We had made a non-refunable deposit of $100.00 for a dinner reservation for the next month. The manager, Mr. VINCENT KWONG, wrote us a receipt. We had to cancelled the dinner a few days later because something came up. Mr. Kwong nicely told us that we could use the deposit money some other times and there was no expiration date on the receipt. A couple months later, I went back to the restaurant and tried to use the deposit money to buy some take-out. I shown him the receipt with his signature on it. Mr. Kwong told me that he couldn't verify if the receipt was valid. I needed to come back to the restaurant Monday through Friday, between the time 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to talk to their ACCOUNTANT DEPARTMENT to clear the issue. After I left the restaurant, I discovered that there is a line on the lower left corner on the receipt, printed in Chinese saying "Please return this receipt when used".
Mr. Kwong could not verify if the receipt was valid or not was a lame excuse. If I had actually used the deposit money, he would took back the receipt. This is just not a right way the do business. THE RESTAURANT TRIED TO GET MY MONEY WITHOUT GIVE ME MY FOODS.
Consumers, I also heard that when you dine-in, please carefully exam your bill to see if they already add the 15% tips on it on purpose do not matter that you only have two people in your group. DO NOT DOUBLE PAY YOUR TIPS!