If you have outdoor hobbies and shop this type of store frquently, seriously consider paying the $20 one time member fee. You get occasional coupons, notification of sales, and a rebate check at the end of the year; I made the twenty bucks back in overall value pretty quickly. If you can't find an item in the store itself check the website. REI offers free shipping for in store pickup, which is a huge savings on larger items, like kayaks. The North Carolina stores also offer rental of camping and paddling gear if you just want to try it out or have a short term need. (No bicycles though, somewhat surprising given their full service bike repair facilities.) Pro tip: Call ahead to the store if you need a particular type of rental or repair, (i.e. tent poles re-corded), each location is a little different as far as what they offer for these services. The one area I've found to be inconsistent is customer service. Sometimes you go in and nearly every employee greets you, asks to help you, walks you to what you're looking for, offer advice based on their experience, etc, etc. Other times I've gone in and not been able to get someone to help me find something or even get me to someone who can. I'm pretty low maintainence at REI, I usually know exactly what I'm looking for, but when I do need help it's nice to get it without having to poke my head through 'employee only' doors to ask for someone.
Pros: Rebates, selection, prices, excellent gear
Cons: Inconsistent customer service