Where should I start? Furnace in the house when we bought it several years old but two service men said it had several years of life. Worked great. Region oil set up their yearly maintenance visit then Region Oil's tech (on the GOLD contract) broke the furnace. Within 30 mins they were on the phone (unsolicited) offering to sell me a new furnace. Ummm you broke it! Either fix it or replace it, that is what contracts are for! No they didn't do that, had to pay for the new furnace myself (I did NOT have Region Oil install it). Last year their delivery guy said my driveway "looked icy" even though it had been plowed and salted and UPS had no trouble getting up it so they didn't deliver oil until the tank ran dry then charged me a MINT for an emergency delivery. This year they said the driveway was "untouched" even though again it had been plowed and salted, 3 days of calling for delivery (on an auto delivery contract and yet no delivery since MAY, it's JANUARY!) and now again the tank i