Our time with this company has been thoroughly nightmarish. We have lived in our rented home for 16 months now, we are on a month-to-month lease and are moving out because we are buying a home in the area. When I was coordinating our move, I spoke to one of their employees on the phone about move out procedures, and she said it was fine to fill out the 30 days notice form, scan it into my computer and e-mail it to her. I did that a month ago, but then I got a phone call from them saying that I needed to pay another whole month's rent because they "never received a 30 days notice" from me. But I should have expected as much from them because I have learned over the last year and a half that they have SERIOUS communications issues. They are high if they think they're getting another month's rent from me--I will not be punished because they can't do their jobs. Whenever I need something fixed, I have to call at least three times and each time they try to tell me that it's the first ti