Recently while have a terminally ill dog, I realized that I placed way to much trust in our vet at Rau Too....I always trusted her diagnosis and recommendations for our dogs over the years. My gut kept telling me something was wrong with our precious dog when she started loosing weight even when she lost 10 ozs in 1 month, we continued being told to just bring her in and they would monitor her weight.....I continued questioning numerous times, could it be cancer??? Our vet still not suggesting ultrasounds or X-rays, finally when she wouldn't eat we insisted they do ultrasounds and X-rays, and that was when it was discovered my worst fear, our precious dog was very sick with cancer,( had the cancer been diagnosed before it ruptured she most likely would have survived.) She had surgery to stop the hemorrhaging and she only lived for 28 days following surgery....our hearts are broken and our trust in our vet is completely advice to you is to follow your gut, question the vets decision and insist on testing if you feel there is a problem. Remember they aren't God, they are only humans with a medical degree... :_(