In October of 2009, I attended a free seminar at the Independence community center on headaches. After a 30 year struggle with various treatments, any offer of relief from the pain of a headache a serious proposal. Initially, I was treated for TMJ which helped but did not offer a cure. Over the years, I have had MRI’s, CAT scans and more recently a sleep study to determine the source of my problem. Treatment for sleep apnea did alleviate some symptoms, but a minor nagging headache continued on and off 3-4 days each week, typically in the late afternoon or evening. The cycle continued including a debilitating migraine every 5-7 weeks which required medication bed rest as the only source of relief.\r
At that October seminar, I realized the only option presented that I had not tried was chiropractic treatment. I made an appointment that week with Dr. Ault, who offered a thorough explanation of the various tests used to evaluate each patient’s condition. Dr. Ault met with me the following week to review the results in detail and offer a course of treatment. Within the first few weeks, I experienced a reduced frequency and severity of headaches. After the first two months, Dr. Ault began working with me on an exercise plan to strengthen my problem areas and also to help me lose weight. She was supportive, patient and always inquired if I had questions about the treatment. Dr. Ault was thorough and sincere. Following each exam I reflected that she was never in a rush to see the next patient.\r
I am happy to say that I have been virtually headache free for months. In seven months, my posture has improved and I have lost 10 pounds, while gaining considerable strength due to the exercise program laid out in my treatment plan. I would recommend Dr. Ault to those suffering from headaches or back problems. I hope this field of medicine becomes a routine option for those seeking relief from headaches. Chiropractic treatment incorporates a plan for the whole body as a system rather than treating a single symptom. In addition, the chiropractic doctor practices the art of helping the body to heal itself rather than the alternative of writing a prescription to dull the pain. \r