The managers customer service SUCKS because the manager is very unprofessional, rude, and psycho. She told my wife that she couldnt buy a phone unless my wife bought minutes for the phone to get it activated when my wife already had an account reason being that my wifes phone broke.. my wife was already getting the customer service from another associate and the so called manager rudely barged in and told my wife that she couldnt buy the phone when the other associate was getting it for my wife.. she immediately began arguing with my wife saying that my wife could not buy the phone unless my wife bought minutes to the point that she called the police on my wife, me and my baby and the funny thing is that me and my baby didnt do anything or say anything but we stood there and witnessed this with the other radio shack associate! The manager was acting so crazy because Ive never seen a cashier/manager act so unprofessional at radio shack or at any other business! As I recall the managers name is tina. My wife and I have been long time customers of radio shack and we do not want to go to that radio shack again.. We then went to the radio shack on coors blvd and bought the phone with NO PROBLEMS AND DIDNT HAVE TO BUY MINUTES AT ALL they just switched the new phone to her account.. with no force by the manager and no extra fees... we discussed the matter with that radio shack on coors and they gave us a 800 number to report how radio shack is doing. In which we called because we as customers shouldnt have been treated like that. We talked to the district manager about it but they havent responded.