I found RJ Wall posting modeling agency ad on craigslist.He was looking for a secretary to handle all the models, recruitment,photoshoots,databases(which i w orked on day & night for weeks) RJ had rented out a building behind pita pit on 3rd street at jacksonville,beach & he never worked with me there.I was always alone , just bringing mylaptop & finding models online for the model database.I was supposed to get paid $800 every two weeks & $200 for gas for every two weeks , than after 90 days, i would get health insurance.I thought this would be a long term job, we had multiple interviews at panera's & i thought this was all legit.He broke my heart, i though i was going to finally be financially stable doing something my heart just loves so much ! RJ only came in on the day he fired me.He walked in, gave me a $600 check,minus taxes, and told me to give him the keys to the building & that i needed to leave immedietly.I said to him"" what do i do?, i have no money"" I live in st.augustine, and so over the month that i worked for him, i spent gas money every day back and forth to jacksonville beach to st.augustine,fl.I worked mon-sun,no days off.And i even was working at home because models were always emailing me, so i had to talk with them to get all their info for our database,competitions,etc... RJ Wall owes