My brother waited from 5:30 am until 5:32 pm to get dialysis. If any of your family members are in this situation, please contact the hospital administrators and utilize other quality assurance measures such as outside sources, or the stakeholders who assist with the licensing of these centers. Let me add, it not just this one center, you must observe all centers where family members are being treated. In one center, a patient died on the machine and the technicians scrambled to cover up the error-the man ble to death. His family member came in only to find his bloody clothes in an area where they were not supposed to be.\r
My brother is Muslim, and he was told because of his faith in one center-he had to wait. This poor and unethical treatment must stop. If a family is in need of this service, i suggest that you remain with him or her until the treatment has been completed. tam6jhns@yahoo
Pros: the service is there but...
Cons: staff and waiting time to get on a machine