It is what you make it. Sure, you may not like the the calls or the info they have on you. Honestly, it is a program trying to save you money with discounted programs, they don't hide anything from you, they tell you straight up what you are getting, they tell you you can cancel at anytime and give you the number. Sure, they have they have the last 4 digits of your credit card, but thats it, as a reference, and they could never charge your card without your consent. If they did, don't you think they would be out of business?? If you are worried about your last four digits of your CC# I'd check the receipts you sign at the store or restaurant, a lot of times the copy you leave them has your FULL CC#. The harsh feelings are understandable, there are bad apple companies out there, but this isn't one of them. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Hear them out, try the program, God forbid it saves you any money. If not cancel, there is no crime in offering a program. The number they call is a number your leave a daytime contact number, if you don't want them to call, there are magical words, "Do not call list". If you say it they will add you to the Internal do not call list, you may think you are already on one, but there are ways. Be Reasonable, they're people too.
Pros: a good conversation with someone across the country, who are genreallly good people.
Cons: you lose your temper because you are uneducated as to how to hadle any of these situations.