Product failed during use. Poor manufacturer response.
Purchased the diagonal cross cable design anticipating a severe snow storm. I installed and checked them on flat ground and used them in a severe snow storm. I drove 20-25 miles per hour (as it says do not exceed 30mph) and still the driver side chain failed during use. Although I got home safe on one one chain, it was a very scary feeling to lose control on the highway in a blizzard.
The worst part is that I wrote the manufacturer and they basically said tough luck! I asked for a manufacturer refund or replacement and they said I was not entitled to a replacement 1/2 set because I failed to retrieve them from the roadway! It was a blizzard and this was I-95 at 1:30 in the morning! On top of that they attempted to sell me a 1/2 set at cost plus shipping...are you kidding? I paid 65.00 buck for a failing set, and now you want me to sink more money into them!?
Bad product, worse response.