I'm afraid to say that, despite a friendly and enthusiastic staff, Puppy Paradise returned my 1 yr. old female bulldog after four nights of boarding in absolutely appalling condition. When we dropped her off, the owner (or perhaps manager) Melanie mentioned that she loved bulldogs and asked me if she could feed her some chicken (which I thought was weird but a nice gesture). I said ""no"" and explained that she is a little overweight and should eat nothing but the food we provided (a fresh un-opened bag). When we picked her up yesterday, she came out of the back covered in feces/diarrhea stains. She had brown stains running down her backside, on all of her paws, her belly, and shoulder. It was sickening. Her harness was also on backwards and way too tight (I later noticed significant chafing around her shoulders from this). I was a little in shock so rushed out rather quickly. As I piled my poor poop-covered puppy into the car, I noticed that the food we had provided has not even been opened (nor was the toy we sent her in with in the bag). I went back in to ask the manager at the desk what she had been eating (""uh, I don't know . . .""), when she had last been walked, fed or given water (""uuhhhh . . . I can check""), and so forth. She is still quite ill (diarrhea, vomited up some her breakfast) and still stinks (after two baths).
Pros: Pleasant Staff
Cons: Too many to list, see below.