My kids love this place, and it was the first choice for a party for each of them. The staff handles the entire party so that the hosting parent can enjoy the party and the time with the kids. At our party, the staff retrieved the cake from my car, helped supervise during play time, and (most importantly) served the kids pizza, drinks, and cake. Then they collected the presents and extra food and loaded it into my car for me - in the rain! We didn't open presents there, but I've been at parties in which the kids do open presents, and the staff records a list of the gifts and gift-giver so that the parents or child can write accurate thank-you notes later. I've also been at a party where the staff was asked to deal with a difficult child and an uncooperative parent (so that the host would not have to do so), and they did so quietly, professionally, and successfully. I left the party I hosted happy, having done no work (big change from birthdays past), and with a thrilled child who