Besides the joy of having my precious baby boy.
Everything else about this hospital was unsatisfactory!
Nurses were unfriendly, opinionated, have had no communications between each other, and no clues of anything.
Nurses were so pushy; in pursuing, what they think is right for me, over, over, and over again. Believe me; I was already very tired and these actions were extremely irritating and I did not appreciate it.
We requested to have my baby circumcised, one of the nurse said she would put in the request to have the procedure done before discharge. I reminded them, this time another nurse told us they have no physician to do the procedure and advised that this procedure can be done at the doctor?s office.
That was a disappointment!
Then, when we requested to have picture taken for my baby, the nurse responded: ?no problem, just let us know when?. When we were ready, we asked, another nurse advised us that their camera has been broken for 2 months (????) and suggested to bring the baby to a photo place, like ?Baby R? Us?.
That was another disappointment!!
What else is there to say? I made a bad choice and I hope all mothers to be out there reconsider throughout on where to have your precious little one.